Sunday, April 25, 2010

Features of the MELT

Questions about your Mobile Emerging Learning Technology device.

1. How did you obtain your device?
a. purchased
b. gift
c. part of the UVASON project
d. other
e. If other, explain

2. How often do you use the device?
a. hourly or less
b. daily
c. weekly
d. occasionally
e. never

Of the applications that came with you device, do you use the following apps, how often and why or why not do you use the following apps?
a. ipod DROP DOWN a.b, c. d. e plus a question about text why or why not
same for the 
b. safari
c. mail
d. clock
e. calendar
f. calculator
g. maps
h. you tube
i. contacts
j. weather 
if yes for weather, ask what cities you have on your weather app


a. List applications you have downloaded for communication purposes

Then ask if they downloaded the following, yes or no
b. Twitter app? if yes Tweetie, echofon, twitterific or other

c. A Facebook app?


List of applications you have downloaded for productivity

then ask yes or no if
Remember the milk
Awesome note

List of applicaitons you have downloaded for games and fun?

Then ask yes or no if 

6.  a. List of applications you have downloaded for entertainment and news

b. yes or no
Huffington Post?

CNN news?

NPR news?

7. List of applications you have downloaded for shopping.

then ask
Red Laser?



Priceline navigator

List of applications you have downloaded for educational purposes

Wednesday, April 21, 2010